Sunday, March 8, 2009

I have lost an hour... where the hell did it go?

Exhaustion. Confusion. A plethora of other -tions and
-sions I can't think of because—well, I'm still asleep. I would have normally used an exclaimation point there, after asleep, but I'm too tired to reach Shift/1. Sigh. Where in the hell did that hour go? Does that 2 o'clock hour get a vacation? When it does, does the location where it goes get an extra hour of sleep? I think next year I'm going to contact that hour and invite it to stay at my place—you know, throw a big party, invite a bunch of girls, get a bunch of booze. I'll feed that hour so much junkfood, make that hour so fat, that he'll become at least two hours! I will get so much sleep next year. I will... zzzzzzzz.

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